Tuesday 13 November 2012

Foam and Rubber Band Upholstery by Meike Harde

German design graduate Meike Harde has designed a range of upholstered benches and stools which have been upholstered simply by folding foam mats and fixing them to wooden frames with elastic bands.
The simple, fast an effective upholstery method involves just three materials and two simple methods, using foam, rubber bands and wood the foam is folded and then held in place around the wood using the rubber bands.
The foam mat is layered and gathered tightly to create waves that are held together at the top and bottom with elastic bands. The cushion is then compressed and fixed using longer elastic bands in the opposite direction, before the wooden stool is inserted underneath the elastic.
The motivation behind Harde’s design was to explore new methods of upholstery construction, aiming to create a stiff cushion from a flat foam mat.


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